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Musto Management

We’re here to kick the tires and get real results.

Growth Concerns​

  • Analyzing the ideal customers and ideal projects so that the company can focus on growing appropriately and profitably, rather than casting an unnecessarily wide net
  • Create tracking mechanisms and metrics to ensure proper understanding of the sales pipeline and full visibility into the areas that need more attention to hit goals
  • Create revenue goals based on existing costs structures (beyond break-even) and work backward to ensure proper goal-setting at each preceding pipeline stage

Capacity Challenges​

  • Analyzing the existing structure to determine if past growth in overhead or capacity has resulted in return on investment yet OR what growth in capacity is necessary to keep up with the increases in volume
  • Creating Standard Operating Procedures that are on-brand for the company (i.e., the PIERCE way) and also duplicatable/scalable as the company continues to grow
  • Developing and coaching key operations managers to become the leaders of a new way of doing business at a higher expectation
  • Setup sustainable training mechanisms (Know, Show, Do, Review) to provide continuous reinforcement of “the right way” to do every process in the company

Key Person Dependency

  • Creating sustainable processes for reporting to allow the “Key Person” (KP) to get the appropriate information in a concise, consolidated, and timely manner
  • Identifying agreeable metrics that translate the KP’s “gut feeling” into tangible, real numbers … reported regularly and proactively (often via dashboards or scorecards)
  • Developing and coaching second-level people (maybe executives; maybe just managers for now) into autonomous leaders that can take the reigns more and more over time